Best Pillows for Neck Pain


1. What pillow do doctors recommend for neck pain?

The best pillow for neck pain is firm enough to hold the head at a healthy angle but soft enough to alleviate pressure points. Most sleepers find success with either memory foam, latex, buckwheat, or feather pillow, as these materials offer the best balance of support and pressure relief.

2. Which pillows are best for neck pain?

The best pillow for neck and shoulder pain is firm enough to hold the head at a healthy angle, but soft enough to alleviate pressure points. Most sleepers find success with either a memory foam, latex, buckwheat, or feather pillow, as these materials offer the best balance of support and pressure relief.

3. Does a neck pillow help with neck pain?

You may feel better and sleep better with a neck pillow. It's sometimes called a cervical pillow because the upper part of your backbone (where your neck is) is called the cervical spine. Research suggests that a pillow with good cervical support can help relieve neck pain and improve rest.

4. How do I pick the right pillow?

Look for one that's as thick as the distance between your ear and outside shoulder. Stomach sleepers may need a soft pillow—or no pillow at all—underneath their head. A pillow under your stomach and pelvis may help prevent back pain. Back sleepers may need a flatter pillow, to keep your head and neck in alignment.

5. Should the shoulder be on the pillow when sleeping?

Your shoulders should not be on the pillow. Not So Great: On your side, with your legs curled up towards the chest. This does not provide spine alignment for the shoulders and neck. It also does not evenly distribute weight throughout your body and can lead you to wake up in the morning with back pain.

Best Pillows for Neck Pain


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